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We had a clear plan for the future, which changed when my wife passed away a couple of years ago. It was a dramatic change because all of a sudden all of those plans were suddenly parked. Working with Suitable Life was an opportunity to engage with people that knew and understood the kind of world I worked and had my business in – property.

I wanted clarity about real genuine objectives and what my purpose was for the next 20 years, as well as clarity around what enough looked like for me. Now, I’ve actually got some direction and I think it would be fair to say I’m pretty clear again now in most of the areas Suitable Life focus on, and I know a couple of steps I definitely want to take.

The big difference between Suitable Life and anybody else I’ve used is that they want to understand what it is you want out of life, and ensure that the assets you have (or don’t yet have) are either used or developed to fulfil those goals. I would have no hesitation in recommending Suitable Life, and indeed already have.


We were at a crossroads in the sense that we thought we’d achieved what we set out to achieve 10 years ago, especially around our property portfolio, so the big question was what do we do next? We felt we should have enough money, but weren’t 100% sure, but perhaps more importantly we didn’t have enough time.

Time is very important and we didn’t know at the start of the journey if we had enough to live the life we wanted. Working with Suitable Life gave us the reassurance that we did actually have enough money but also that we could go down different paths to enjoy the rest of our time available. It was all mapped out and easy to understand. My wife Gail is a visual person, not a figures person, so their presentation of the future was key and it was excellent, like nothing we’ve seen before.

It was a real reality check. We could try and work some of it out by ourselves, but we wouldn’t have got close to the actual output and detail, plus the scenarios Suitable Life use to stress test their projections is a real tangible benefit. If you’re prepared to invest money in property, and previously invest money in your career, why wouldn’t you invest some money and time on yourself in understanding your financial life?

It’s a serious, and extremely detailed process – it forced us both to stop and think about the future. I would recommend it to anybody who needs clarity around their financial future or has a purpose in mind. You need to be properly involved to get the most out of the process, which we were.


When we started working with Suitable Life, we thought we were looking for high level advice around some financial investment.

We were frustrated when we had previously spoken with solicitors, IFAs or tax advisers – they could only tell us so much. We’d get conflicting advice and it was very frustrating. So we were led to Suitable Life in the hope they would be able to get the knowledge in one place and we weren’t being passed from pillar to post!

We found the whole process really engaging and we were able to have open discussions between us about what we want from the future. It wasn’t just a tick box exercise – they took the time to sit down and understand our lives first, then our finances second.

We’d recommend that anybody should sign up for the process because it gives you so much clarity around your own finances and allowed us to constantly revisit the plan as things change. They kept asking us what if ‘x’ happened, or what if ‘y’ happened. All the different scenarios were modelled so I would strongly recommend Suitable Life.


We had two main things we wanted to address, one was income – how much we really need – and the other was structure – what is the best way to structure everything moving forward.

We’ve not stood still in the last 10 years, have been busy building our property portfolio and didn’t feel like we were totally in control. We’ve always felt like we were just gathering information from different people and it always felt disjointed, so we didn’t know if we were missing something important because we’re not the experts. So, it’s been great to go through the financial life planning process and see if we have enough or what steps we needed to take to make sure we get to that point. It’s been very illuminating.

The clarity has been the biggest takeaway from the process and it’s been life changing for us. We would totally recommend Suitable Life. You don’t get that service anywhere else. It gives you a clear vision of where you are – the sooner you do it, the more money you can save in the long run because you have the advice earlier in your life.


We thought we’d be okay for the rest of our lives, as we were just starting to enter into retirement from having ran our property portfolio for the last 12 years, but we wanted to make sure we were right.

We are people that live within our means and aren’t hugely extravagant. But we wanted to get a better feel for planning ahead, so we knew our lifestyle was one we could continue to lead. Suitable Life made us think about where we were going with our lives, our money and what to do with it. We needed that guidance and it has been a great help.

We got more than we expected. It’s all under one roof, they helped us from everything from properties to money, to looking after the children around legacy, to our pensions and our wills. It highlighted everything we’d swept under the carpet. There’s no time like the present to resolve the issues, and putting it off until it’s “convenient” means you’ll never deal with the questions you have.

Because of Suitable Life, we are now leading our frankly wonderful lives. Thanks to you.


We started working with Suitable Life in its early stages for help with my father’s Will. Sadly, he passed away in September 2017 and Suitable Life helped me and my family with varying his Will to safeguard his wishes. It was specific and technical, but introduced us to them and subsequently their wider process.

Having gone through their full financial life planning process now, we feel much more comfortable about the future and they’ve given us confidence that we can go out and do the things we want to do, and more importantly spend some money as we were always unsure whether we had enough. It’s thrown our future into sharp relief. We completely recognise their multi-disciplinary approach, their experience around property (as that is our business) and how they can pull together across all of the different consequences and impacts of decisions we may make now and their effect on our future.

Financial Life Planning is not about planning for your death, though that can be part of it, but it’s about the whole of the rest of your life. It’s got us talking about things that we’d forever put off, thought we’d deal with ‘one day’.

Absolutely, we would recommend Suitable Life. If you look at the fees and you make, in contrast, one wrong decision, it’s going to cost you way more than you pay Suitable Life. In that way – it’s cheap – by comparison with how much you can mess up on your own.


We live in the Kent area and have both had demanding jobs; Chris working in finance in London for 42 years and Vicky worked with BP before raising our children. We built an HMO property portfolio (via the PPP Franchise) from 2012 and thought we would be sticking with that for at least another 10 years to come.

We’ve often worried about whether we actually had ‘enough’ and also what our children’s futures would look like. There’s an awful lot we didn’t know and we’d had a lot of advice from different people, but we never felt that it was dealing with the whole picture. It could also be contradictory and it always left a question mark in our minds about what we should do.

Suitable Life gave us really clear advice about what we could make happen. So much so, we’ve decided that we can sell the HMO portfolio 10 years earlier than we’d originally planned and spend time doing what we really want, our world cruise is already booked!

It was really an ‘aha’ moment to hear Suitable Life talk about the extent to which we could help our children now, as opposed to later in their life, in their 50s or 60s when they’d have probably worked out their own futures by then.

Suitable Life had the complete overview, so it made us more confident that the whole picture was being looked after, which gave us real peace of mind and made us feel relaxed. Their process doesn’t just look at one thing, such as a pension, it’s about planning your whole financial future, every aspect.

It’s very much worth it, and we would recommend Suitable Life. The mistakes you could make would more than out-weight the fee.


I had a good work-life balance going into the process, but the burning question for me was “have I got enough?” I moved from London and bought a smaller house in Bedfordshire and felt relatively comfortable, but coming up on retirement age, I realised I didn’t really have a clue. Who knows what life would look like in 30 years, I really didn’t know.

I was quite stuck not knowing if I had enough money and it really worried me, so I didn’t know if I could spend anything to make improvements to my house. Going through the process, I got a really clear picture of what I had and how it could potentially look in 30 years if I did certain things, or spent money now on my home, and other scenarios. I had previously tried to do this analysis myself and failed miserably in Excel. I have made some big changes since I went through this process, all for the better. I have Suitable Life to thank for that, they have made me take action.

Initially, I was unsure because Suitable Life’s typical client base was different to me, but after spending time talking with them about their process and what they do I was confident it could work for me as well. I would say if you’re unsure but have the same questions as I did, then have the conversation with them. I’ve spoken with 5 people at Suitable Life and without exception, they’ve been friendly and approachable – I’d thoroughly recommend working with Suitable Life.